Brno GP Revival; 12th – 14th July 2024

Lurani Trophy Round 4

A brilliant weekend in Brno, where the very warm welcome was definitely matched by the heat!

The approach to the circuit on arrival on Thursday evening had us in the Revival spirit right from the get-go, as the narrow winding road leading to the circuit was in fact a section of the old street circuit! Following Free practice on Friday afternoon, the organisers treated us to a brilliant bus tour of the full 30km circuit after free practice, guided by the author of two books on the circuit, providing us with a fantastic insight into its history – fair to say those were some brave drivers!

Saturday dawned sunny again, however Friday night was a different story, as the dark sky in the distance suddenly turned from a few drops to a relentless wind whipped deluge within seconds, leaving those in the paddock literally hanging on to their tents to keep them grounded.  None had ever been so wet fully clothed in their lives! The kind organisers were immediately round offering free garage space to those affected, and Stephan Joebstl took in the dripping clothing of our refugees to dry.

Qualifying was late morning, with times ever increasing as all learnt the circuit, new to most, but very much rated but all, before the race mid-afternoon. It only takes two to make a race, and there were pairs dicing throughout, earning a very enthusiastic and well-deserved applause at the end from the packed grandstand! Philipp Buhofer (Lotus 27) made a brilliant start alongside poleman Clive Richards (22), and the race was on for the first few laps, until Philipp experienced clutch issues, and Clive pulled away to take the win. Outstanding battle for fifth place, was between Stephan Joebstl (Lotus 22) and Petter Huse (Focus), changing places numerous times and never more than a cars length between them, if that, Stephan having the edge at the flag. Hans Hillebrink (Lotus 20) put in a brilliant performance in his drum braked Class D car, in his dual with Tony Lees (Lola Mk 5A), making up for his qualifying time, by gaining four places by the flag. Also excelling in his class, B, was Alex Morton (Condor SII), giving chase to Peter Laier (Brabham BT2).

Saturday evening we enjoyed a lovely group meal in the city centre, giving an opportunity also for a stroll through the beautiful lit up historic buildings of the Moravian capital, on what was still a very warm night.

Race 2 on Sunday was early afternoon, and Clive ran out the well-deserved winner again, not without Philipp keeping him on his toes this time, while Adrian Russell (Lotus 22) pushed Rudi Friedrichs (Lola Mk 5A) all the way to the finish, but couldn’t quite take 3rd place from him. In the Front-engined class however, Floris-Jan Hekker (Rayberg) and Jan Christians (Elva 100) crossed the line side by side, with Floris just having the advantage and gaining 10th overall. A few mechanicals (drive shafts and clutch) were the DNF’s, but still smiles aplenty, and looking forward to a cold beer!

It’ll be a few years until we’ll be back again, but we’ll definitely be back, the drivers loved the circuit and it’s always a pleasure organising a meeting where you’re truly appreciated by both the circuit and the spectators – so chalk it up for your future wish lists!
