FJHRA Newsflash 2020/4


Wow – 2020 is going to be quite a year for FJ!!

We opened the first of our entries last week, and already over 120 members have entered at least one race for this season!


As announced to all drivers [FJHRA Newsflashes 2020/2 and 2020/3], the entries are already open for the following events on our new entry system for this season;

For those of you who are missing the ability to see who is already entered, don’t worry, it will be available very soon.

If you’re not sure if you’ve entered, you will have had an automatic email from the system confirming your entry, so if you didn’t get one, I suggest you try again – but check first in your profile!

  • April; 3 – 5th; Paul Ricard (22 entries to date) – First come first served
  • April 24th – 26th; Hockenheim Historic (50 entries to date) – Official Closing date: 18th February. Entries selected according to FIA Lurani Trophy Regulations
  • July 31st – August 2nd; Silverstone Classic (49 entries to date) – first come first served

Also now open are;

  • April 3rd; UK Championship Opener – Snetterton [testing available on the Friday]; Entries via HSCC:
  • May 30th – 31st; Pau GP Historique – first come first served

Opening soon;

  • May 1st – 3rd: Donington Historic Festival – including Cooper T56 celebration
  • August 1st – 2nd: Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix – FJ grid

The full 2020 FJ calendar is here;

Race Retro; 21st – 23rd February

Our traditional pre-season social is next weekend, and this year we’re delighted to be celebrating the Lotus 18, 60 years after the debut of the prototype on Boxing Day 1959 at Brands Hatch, and its dominance in Formula Junior Racing in 1960.

Classic Team Lotus are very kindly providing their car for the stand, and we’d love to invite anyone connected to the Lotus 18 to join us!

If you raced a Lotus 18 in Period, Past or Present, please do try to join us during the weekend, especially, if possible, on Saturday at 11am, when we’ll do a photo shoot and press feature.

The HSCC are kindly hosting us on their stand as usual in the centre of the main hall, so come along for a chat, get your copy of the latest FJ magazine, and catch up on all the news!

There are no special ticket deals, but the advance tickets are cheaper;

We’™ll be staying at the Holiday Inn in Kenilworth – if anyone wants to join us for dinner/drinks one evening, just let me know!

Silverstone Classic Media Preview Test Day – Wednesday 29th April

There is a free test day combined with the Media day open to anyone entered for the event;

While testing on the Classic’s Media Day is offered free, donations in support of the official event charity, Alzheimer’s Research UK, are welcomed. A link enabling all drivers to donate is included on the above page.

Minardi Day/ The Formula Junior Italian Job; 24th – 26th April; IMOLA

During the same weekend at our FIA Lurani Trophy opener at Hockenheim, our founding father Count Lurani, will be celebrated at Imola during the Minardi Days.

Here is some further information;

The Formula Junior Italian Job is a non-competitive event to bring together especially the Italian junior built between 1958 and 1961. It wants to be an award dedicated to Count Giovanni Lurani Cernuschi exposing the 24/25/26 of April, in the boxes of the circuit of Imola, the various models of about 40 Italian manufacturers. We will have available in the three days 5 slots of 25 minutes dedicated to us that will allow, who will want, to test his car on the track, test the car or simply review that beautiful track.

During the Historic Minardi Day there will also be many Formula 1, sport prototypes, Lotus Elise and more. There will be an exhibition with photographs of the time and set up the first Memorial  Giovanni Lurani – Tazio Nuvolari with Cica Lurani who will be the President of the jury who will award the most beautiful junior preserved, the best restored and the most technically innovative.

For more information and registration:  / –  Mobile:+39 349 503 0293 /

FJ Magazine – back copies

If anyone is new to FJ in recent years / missing any earlier FJ magazines, we have a number of spare copies of previous issues we’d be glad to pass on to you, so please get in touch with the numbers of the ones you are missing. A donation towards postage would be welcomed.

New Motorsport UK Licence Names

As you’ll have noticed, the names of the UK licences have changed this season, so just to clarify;

  • National B has been replaced by Inter Club which allows you to race in the UK only.
  • National A has been replaced by National, which allows you to race at any event which has been registered as NEAFP [National Event Authorised Foreign Participation], regulations permitting.

So for FJ racing the minimum requirements are;

  • Inter Club; UK and Front Engined Championship races in the UK
  • National; European Non-Championship and UK Championship Races; ie Paul Ricard, Pau, Copenhagen, Spa
  • International; Minimum grading of Int D required for the FIA Lurani Trophy, including the UK round.

Car movements in and out of the UK

We have been asked by a number of you if there are any changes relating to Brexit, the answer being;

The UK government have approved into law all existing EU laws until 31.12.2020, so there will be zero change until that date, and as for after that date, no agreements have yet been made.

MSV Circuit Improvements;

A number of MSV circuits have been getting some attention over the winter, so we thought we’d share some of the info;

Brands Hatch

The runoff area at Clearways is being extensively re-profiled over the winter break as the Armco barriers and debris fencing are moved further away from the circuit. The gravel trap has been significantly extended in order to increase its effectiveness.
The improvement will be noticeable to competitors on both two and four wheels as the chance of an impact with the barriers on the outside of the circuit will be decreased.
Spectators will still be able to watch around the outside of the final section of the lap with a raised viewing area currently being constructed.

Oulton Park:
On-track alterations include the installation of new concrete run-off at Old Hall and Lodge to improve safety for both cars and motorcycles.
Other tweaks to the circuit include extensive barrier renewal and improvements at Old Hall, Clay Hill, Shell and Druids, as well as kerb upgrades at Cascades, Knickerbrook and Lodge.
Away from the track itself the venue has undergone some off-circuit resurfacing, whilst the paddock toilet facilities have been upgraded.
In the longer term, the circuit will also begin work later this season on a new large campsite toilet and shower facility with an evening entertainment area.

Donington Park:

On the track itself, concrete run-off sections beyond the kerbing at Redgate and the Old Hairpin have been extended over the winter, ensuring these areas will look neater throughout the year. Meanwhile, several new tyre barrier stretches been installed around the circuit, while drainage has been improved at the Craner Curves and Old Hairpin. Another new development is the installation of LED safety lighting at key locations around the track, which will display the various warning lights and signals for competitors and participants on track. A number of marshal posts are due to be upgraded during the summer too, continuing the process that began prior to the 2018 season.


The newly installed and realigned barriers along the circuit’s iconic Bentley Straight have been completed in time for the first track activity of the year.